Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Serger!!!

I did it.  I bought the serger. Like I said, I've been doing lots of research for the past six months. I looked online, on craigslist, and in stores.  A lot of new sergers are electronic...which I'm not a fan of. I would rather know that I'm controlling the machine.  I guess I'm kinda old school like that.

SO...I went with a Pfaff 3.0 Coverlock.  I sat in the sewing shop today for about an hour learning how to thread the beast. It's not like a sewing machine...I can tell you that!  I have LOTS to learn about this guy. I think I need to name it too.  I'll be using it LOTS.  Is it weird that I like naming inanimate objects?

So, here it is in the box. 

There's just one thing after another though. Now I need a bigger desk since I'll have both the serger and sewing machine out at once.  Yay for projects.  I'm excited though to get my work space practical and neat.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited you got a serger! Now...once you learn to use it, come over and teach me how to use mine!!! I've had mind for over a year now and still haven't mastered threading it, which means I still haven't used it! But I know you will be more motivated to learn yours than I was. I think we actually have the same one! Fun fun fun!
