Monday, September 26, 2011

Guest Bedroom Update

I hope you had a good weekend.  The weather was gorgeous!  I got to hang out with my sisters and mom this weekend for an evening and loved it.  We made it an extra special night and went to get our nails done, went shopping, and went out for dinner.  I love time with is so special.

I thought I'd update you on the guest bedroom.  We still don't have a bed frame, and may not get one at all.  The bed works as is I suppose...  So here are some pics of what we have so far.

Where it's from:

Green Floral Watercolor ---------------------------Thrift Store
Olive Green velvet pillow--------------------------Garage Sale
Vase Flower Painting-------------------------------Garage Sale
Teal Lamp--------------------------------------------Flea Market
Coral Quilt-------------------------------------------Thrift Store
Drawing of Woman---------------------------------Hand-Drawn by my Uncle Stan (He is a great Artist!)

 I guess I like things second hand...


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